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Seimens PLC
Custom built inspection machine. Pass or fail registered and either moved onto the next stage, or dropped into a bin to be reworked.
The start of a custom CNC engraver.
Just a custom built box closer. Original was pneumatic. Very Loud, and rattled itself apart.
ABB Robot, doing what it should. It is happy.
Have you ever just stood back and said “WTF” am i doing? I am beginning to dislike 3d printers.
What a wonderful day
Woke up to birds chirping, cool house, a dog laying next to me, and running water. Life is grand.
Thoughts for the day… Gulf Shores, AL
Nectar of the Gods
I could get use to nomadic employment!!
As I sit here typing this, on a balcony, listening to the waves crash against the sand, I’m reminded that I didn’t take up an online job soon enough.